Who's Who
The Reverend Timothy Ward - 01243 551488
Jean Strickland – 01243 552825 (Also for Home Communion)
Steve Phillips - 01243 828346
Parish Readers
Julie Allday - 01243 544615 Kevin Durban-Jackson – 01243 552222
Other Roles
Dr. Andrew Naylor - 07973 800796
Parish Safeguarding Officer
Katarzyna Nichols - 01243 551113
Electoral Roll Officer
Julie Allday
Youth Leader
Sandra Cooke - 01243 551493
Bell ringing Tower Captain
Colin Spencer – 01243 824952
Church Flowers
Elizabeth Gammon – 01903 882722
Pauline Blumer - 01243 552219
PCC Secretary
Graham Thrussell
PCC Minutes Secretary
Alison Surrell
Members of the PCC
Rev Tim Ward - Chairman | Kevin Durban-Jackson - Asst Church Warden/Lay Reader |
Jean Strickland - Churchwarden | Emmie Huxtable | |
Steve Phillips - Churchwarden | Tom Evans - Hon Treasurer | |
Peter Brown | Graham Thrussell | |
Brendan Amesbury |
Julie Allday - Lay Reader/Deanery Synod rep | |
Martin Sewell | |
Church Office Administrator
Chloe Stevens 01243 552792
Pastoral Action Group
A sub group of the PCC responsible for pastoral care in the village.
Gaye Reynolds – 01243 552415
Outreach Action Group
Responsible for holding events to encourage people outside the church to join.
Julie Allday - 01243 544615
Sunday School – Tim Ward – 01243 551488
Youth Group YPTIF – Sandra Cooke – 01243 551493
Mothers' Union – Jean Lane – 01243 554204
Coffee Stop – Jean Strickland – 01243 552825
Emergency Prayer Chain – Pat Varney - 01243 551651 or Jean Strickland – 01243 552825
Parish News Editor – Andy Harris