Regular Services
Each month there is a rich pattern of services both traditional and informal, which we hope will meet the needs of all.
Regular Sunday Services
9.00am A traditional service. Held at St. Mary’s Church Binsted on the First Sunday of the month
10.30am An informal family orientated service with children’s groups
6.00pm A more formal traditional evening service
Each week the formal services vary between Communion, Morning and Evening Prayer using Common Worship (CW) or the Book of Common Prayer (BCP). The informal service is much more flexible in its structure, either Morning Praise, United Family Service or a monthly Informal Communion. We offer a wide range of services at Christmas and Easter
We require sides people to steward future services, please email Jean Strickland if you are able to help. email
Sunday 5 Jan Epiphany
9.00am Binsted Holy Communion BCP
10.30am Holy Communion CW
5.00pm Families at 5
Sunday 12 Epiphany 1
9.00am Holy Communion CW
10.30am Morning Praise with children’s groups
6.00pm Evening Prayer BCP
Sunday 19 Epiphany 2
9.00am Mattins BCP
10.30am Informal Communion with children’s groups
6.00pm Holy Communion
Sunday 26 Jan Epiphany 3
9.00am Holy Communion BCP
10.30am Ising Morning Praise with children’s groups
6.00pm Evening Prayer BCP
CW = Common Worship BCP = Book of Common Prayer 1662