St Mary’s has a strong link with “Living Waters” in Tanzania. Not only do we support this enterprise financially but a group of church members go out to Tanzania on a regular basis to offer support and encouragement. Whenever they return home they feel that they have gained more than they have given!
The foundations for ministry were laid when Missionary Carolyn Philpott visited Tanzania for the first time in 1993. After visiting Mwanza for 3 weeks initially, she says there was such a call from the Lord upon her to minister in this country. During that first 3 week visit to Mwanza, she saw that there were many desperate needs of the people, but also saw many practical ways in which they could be met.
Their main goal is to serve Christ through a 7 Fold Vision, comprising:
Caring for homeless children
Caring for the hungry
Evangelism and encouraging local churches
Job Creation
MAX Team Visits
For further information visit www.livingwaterstanzania.com/index.html